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Summer concerts in Skáholt

About the summer concert
Summer concerts in Skálholt have been active since 1975 and have held concerts in Skálholt church for 5-6 weeks every summer. The festival is the oldest and also the largest of its kind in the country and one of the biggest cultural events that takes place in the South during the summer. Every summer, three thousand people attend the Summer Concert.

One of the main goals of the Summer Concert in Skálholt is to promote the innovation of Icelandic music. The compositions that have been premiered at the festival are close to 200, and most of Iceland's major composers have appeared there. Many of the nation's most well-known musical performers have also attended the Summer Concert during their careers, and numerous renowned foreign performers have attended the Summer Concert. The festival has established itself as an important music festival far beyond the country, especially in terms of performing music from the 17th and 18th centuries.

One of the aims of the Summer Concert is to be a platform for instrumental performances on original instruments, and the Bach Ensemble in Skálholt is among the groups that have taken a permanent place in the Summer Concert.

See more about Summer concerts in Skálholt

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