Mass is held in Skálholt Cathedral every Sunday at 11 and on holidays. Morning prayers are at 9 most weekdays. The parish priest is Rev. Kristín Þórunn Tómasdóttir. The church is open every day from 9 to 18.
Special ceremonies
Divine services
Masses are held in Skálholt Cathedral every Sunday at 11 and on holidays. The parish priest is Rev. Kristín Þórunn Tómasdóttir. Deacon is Bergþóra Ragnarsdóttir.
Ceremonies are held in Skálholtskirkja all year round, but celebrations are especially extensive during the Christmas and Easter holidays, on Ascension Day and White Sunday.
The Skálholt Festival is celebrated annually and was first held in 1954. The festival is always held the weekend after Þorláksmessa in the summer, July 20. Then you are invited to a party in Skálholt church with a celebration and music. Pilgrims go to a festive mass.