Musical life in Skálholt
Organist of Skálholt Cathedral
Jón Bjarnason is the cantor organist of Skálholt vhurch and has been working since 2009. Before that, he was the organist in Seljakirkja in Reykjavík. He is also the choir director of the Skálholt choir and the Miðdalskirkja choir. Jón takes care of the organ playing at masses in the benefice of Skálholt, which has a total of 10 churches.
Jón graduated with a cantor's degree in 2003 from the National Music School and a solo course from the same school in 2006. He also completed a diploma in organ performance at the Royal Academy of Music in Copenhagen under the guidance of Bine Bryndorf in the winter of 2011-2012.
Jón's email address is jon@skalholt.is
Phone: 6918321
The Choir of Skálholt
Jón Bjarnason is the cantor organist of Skálholt church and has been working since 2009. Before that, he was the organist in Seljakirkja in Reykjavík. He is also the choir director of the Skálholt Choir and the Miðdalskirkja Choir. Jón takes care of the organ playing at masses in the benefice of Skálholt, which has a total of 10 churches.
Jón graduated with a cantor's degree in 2003 from the National Academy of Music and a solo course from the same school in 2006. He also completed a diploma in organ performance at the Royal Academy of Music in Copenhagen under the guidance of Bine Bryndorf in the winter of 2011-2012.
Jón's email address is jon@skalholt.is
Phone: 6918321
við orgelið
The wish songs at the organ
Wish songs at the organ is a concert by organist Jón Bjarnason, where he invites the audience to participate in the concert by choosing the next song. Visitors can choose from over 100 songs, hymns, songs, pop and rock songs or the national anthem of Tungnamann Kristján in Stekkholt. Guests are encouraged to sing along, but the lyrics of the songs are projected onto the wall during the concert.
Everyone is welcome to this event and entry is free. Concertgoers are encouraged to make voluntary donations to the Skálholt Church's Grand Piano Fund, but a collection is currently underway to buy a grand piano for the church. You can pay by cash or card.
You can also deposit the fund to account 0133-15-1647, id 610172-0169.

Summer concerts in Skálholt
Summer concerts in Skálholt is the largest and oldest music festival of its kind in the country. The concert series is held in June/July every year and has been held since 1975. Emphasis is placed on baroque, classical works and modern music.
Each year, a local composer is chosen to premiere his work at the concert. The concert is free, but voluntary donations are accepted.
This year's Summer Concert program will be from July 6 - 14, 2024
More information can be found on the Summer Concert website.
Do you want to hold a concert in Skálholtskirkja?
We welcome choirs and musicians who want to hold a concert in Skálholtskirkja. We consider that concerts in the church enrich the cultural life of the uplands and offer them the church free of charge if it is a free concert.
Please contact skalholt@skalholt.is if you want to book the church for a concert.
If you want to book meals or accommodation, send an email to hotelskalholt@hotelskalholt.is or call 486 8870.
Skálholt church's piano fund
At the moment, a fundraiser is underway for the purchase of a grand piano in Skálholt Church.
A variety of concerts will be offered in Skálholtskirkja, where concertgoers are encouraged to make voluntary donations to the Piano Fund. You can pay by cash or card.
You can also deposit the fund to account 0133-15-1647, id 610172-0169.

The organ
The organ in Skálholt Cathedral was built by Frobenius.
1 principal — 8′
2 octaves — 4′
3 octaves — 2′
4 mixed — II-III'
5 subwoofers — 16′
6 principal — 8′
P+S 4′ H+S
9 Gedaht — 8′
10 Flute — 4′
11 Gedahtpommer — 2′
12 Spidsokav — 1′
13 Regal — 8′
14 Tremulant
15 Flute — 8′
16 Principal — 4′
17 Quint — 2 2/3′
18 Dulcian — 16'
19 Trumpet — 8′
20 Tarts — 1 3/5′
The church bells
In the tower of Skálholt Church there are five church bells that were given to the church at the time of construction, one from Denmark, two from Sweden, one from Finland and one from Norway.
The church also has three old clocks. One of them hangs in the clock tower, one is on display in the Guest Room and one hangs in the Marius Stuka of the church. This clock is a gift from a Norwegian family, but it originally came from Skálholt.